Hooked Up Sportfishing
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) Sea-4344
SailFish and DolphinFish off the coast of Fort Lauderdale
October 25th, 2011
Today we had a shared charter with Donny and Bruce from Texas, Al and Allen from South Florida and Ernie from Georgia.
Today we went right to kite fishing and once again it paid off.
Al ended up landing a big sailfish while Allen caught a nice dolphin fish.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) Sea-4344
Fishing off the Coast of South Florida aboard Hooked Up
October 23rd, 2011
Today we had Tom, Ed, Phil and Dustin all from Conn.
As it turned out everyone had a late night the night before and we knew this was going to be a short trip. So out went the kites with the live baits suspended from them and the wait began. Than just like that a sailfish popped up and we were Hooked Up. Tom jumped in the chair and within 20 min we had caught the fish and back to the dock we went.
Guys sorry we couldn’t stay longer but all the same if we were only going to get a shot at one fish that was the one to catch.
Thanks again.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) Sea-4344
SailFish and DolphinFish off the coast of Fort Lauderdale
October 25th, 2011
Today we had a shared charter with Donny and Bruce from Texas, Al and Allen from South Florida and Ernie from Georgia.
Today we went right to kite fishing and once again it paid off.
Al ended up landing a big sailfish while Allen caught a nice dolphin fish.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) Sea-4344
Fishing off the Coast of South Florida aboard Hooked Up
October 23rd, 2011
Today we had Tom, Ed, Phil and Dustin all from Conn.
As it turned out everyone had a late night the night before and we knew this was going to be a short trip. So out went the kites with the live baits suspended from them and the wait began. Than just like that a sailfish popped up and we were Hooked Up. Tom jumped in the chair and within 20 min we had caught the fish and back to the dock we went.
Guys sorry we couldn’t stay longer but all the same if we were only going to get a shot at one fish that was the one to catch.
Thanks again.
Captain Taco (954) 764-4344 or toll free @ (877) SEA-4344