Capt. Ron Kowalyk·
Sorry I was so slow to reply. Yes, you can find some pomps in the surf. Look for waves breaking on the sloughs. Areas around the pass mouths like Big Carlos, New Pass at Lovers Key and Bodwick Point or off the Sanibel Cuaseway are likely spots. Sand fleas are the top bait but shrimp fished tight to the bottom will work as well (just bump them along in the surf). Try white fuzzy grubs, or paddle tail jigs in rootbeer, pink and white. Gulp shrimp are an alternative. Look for roiled up water, and if you're lucky, you might even see some pomps skipping on the surface. Wade fishing off Bunche Beach can be productive.
Good Luck!
Capt. Ron K.
Good Luck!
Capt. Ron K.
Bud Karas