
Guk Waterfall in Kalush.

Guk Waterfall in Kalush.
Yaremche - is a unique resort that at any time of the year gives visitors a holiday of a lifetime and unforgettable scenes of nature . Resting in Yaremche, is to visit the beautiful waterfall called " gook . Residents Yaremche waterfall called Hooke because of the noise heard them before this miracle of nature. By the way, in the Carpathian Mountains , every third waterfall is named so, because the noise of falling water can be heard clean well beyond the location of a natural object .
Guk Waterfall is located at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level. This beautiful object of nature was formed in the post-war period as a result of severe flooding suffered by the entire region. Hook - is a beautiful waterfall , where the water falls from a height of 15 meters. Spray Falls Guk constantly moisturize the surrounding area , so the vegetation in this place diverse and lush .
Not far from the falls can be seen round the white sheets of creams and near the water's rising tar white, forget-me -eared , geranium Robertovu , Geum city and BELOZEROV marsh . All of this contributes to the fact that visitors can see the waterfall unique ensemble of nature in which the crystal clear water splashing and lush greens blend together .
But the road to this waterfall can be found Carpathian squirrel, fox, spotted salamander . Beautiful waterfall Guk in the Carpathians - a natural object of nature , which is one of the largest waterfalls in the Carpathians.
The unique nature of the storm water , the amazing flora and fauna -all Guk Waterfall in Kalush.