
Fundraiser Boquete Panama

The annual Bid 4 Boquete charity raising function requires months of planning and work from a core group of very dedicated volunteers. This dedication has resulted in it being the largest charitable fund raising organization in Chiriqui Province. This year the event brought in over $75,000 which will go to very good use in our community. This is one of the reason people live here in Boquete, to be part of something bigger than a garden club in Osh Kosh.

The Big Event!!

My friend Dana knows how to get the audience going and raised some good bids this year at the live auction.
Another record has been broken by Bid 4 Boquete, the leading fundraising effort in the Boquete/Potrerillos area. Events over the weekend of February 9-10, combined with prior sales of plants and high end clothing, will exceed $75,000 once outstanding money is collected and outstanding bills paid, topping last year’s $70,000 plus take.
Weekend activities included an art and jewelry sale on Saturday afternoon, a wine tasting and live auction Saturday night, and a full afternoon of sales and activities on Sunday. Well over a thousand people came to the Boquete fairgrounds to participate in the silent auction of hundreds of goods and services, to shop the patio sales of clothing and housewares, and to buy food and drink and baked goods. Activities for the area’s children included games for prizes, face painting, and professional photographs. A special treat was the attendance of children from Casa Hogar Trisker, whose participation was underwritten by the dozens of residents who purchased ticket vouchers on their behalf.

Congratulations to the more than 200 volunteers who worked steadily for months to ensure that this year’s event was a success. Thanks are due to the nearly 500 businesses, professionals, and individuals who donated goods and services to be sold. Bid 4 Boquete encourages Panama residents to patronize these businesses and to thank them personally for their participation. Special thanks go to the 23 committee chairs, the Foundation Council, and the event organizers, Penny Barrett, Bonnie Williams, and Anayansi Menendez.

Major beneficiaries of this year’s event will include:

Amigos de Animales de Boquete, spay and neuter program/animal welfare

Fundacion Pro-Integracion, services for the handicapped

Buenos Vecinos de Boquete, food for the needy and shut-in

Club Rotario de Boquete, supporting the area schools and students