
The Karas Eyes

The Karas Eyes

During the week of March 26, 2012, I was reviewing the Emigration Story details on this website and something caught my attention. I noticed in the immigration record that Bohumil Soucek was listed with BROWN eyes and his two brothers, Frantisek and Jan, were listed with GREY eyes.

As we know, Bohumil Soucek was not the son of Matej Karas Jr so those of us who are his descendents appear to primarily possess BROWN eyes. However, many of the descendents of Matej Karas Sr have strikingly beautiful GREY eyes.

From left to right and top to bottom...Petra, Tereza (Petra's daughter), Vojtech (Petra's son), Lukas Vesely (Jana Karas Vesely's son), Jana Karas Vesely, Walter Bud Karas, Great Nephew of Walter Bud Karas.

Eyes - Petra Dusatkova Eyes - Tereza Dusatkova Eyes - Vojtech Dusat
Eyes - Lukas Vesely Eyes - Jana Vesely Eyes - Walter Bud Karas
Eyes - Walter Bud Karas Great Nephew